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I've been featured in a number of media outlets and platforms sharing about innovation and disruption in regards to business strategy, entrepreneurship, pricing strategy, sustainability, lessons learned, ideas about technology's impact on the sales process, how to prosper in the new economy and much more. 


Podcast and Radio

Smart Hustle Magazine: Why Small Business Needs to Rethink Pricing Strategy and the Lean Start Up Model

CEO Live! Blog Talk Radio​

Mark Imperial Show: Pricing Strategy for Small Business Owners

WNYC: NYC’s Manufacturers Encounter a Dearth of Skilled Employees

Small Business Podcast: The First Million

Small Business Podcast: Focusing on Quality 



BBC World Business Report: US Feels Impact of Weak Dollar

CBS Early Morning with Harry Smith: Small Business Response to President Obama’s Stimulus Plan

ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer: Recession and Manufacturing

Disaster Planning for Your Business: WNBC TV

NY 1:  “Made in NY” Series

NY 1: Employment Awards Millions to Small Business

NY 12: Feature Story on HCC: Bronx Week


New York Times: From Sticks to Sturdier Wood

Crain’s NY Business: Blue Collar Jobs Harder to Fill as Boomers Age

Crain’s NY Business: Bloomberg Awards $4.2 Million to Small Businesses

NY Daily News: Big Shot in the Arm for Small Business

WNYC City Desk : City Cash for Jobs Training Program

Metro NY: It’s Getting Easier to be Green

Bronx Times: Cabinetmaker Pilots City-Funded Jobs Program

Wood Digest: Mr & Mrs. Hendrickson’s Neighborhood(s)

WoodIQ: Solving the Custom Cabinetry Jigsaw Puzzle

Desseret News: FutureTech

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